Craving Sugar

Craving salt usually means the body is losing more sodium than it normally should. The mineral corticoid aldosterone, secreted by the adrenal glands, works with the kidneys to hang onto sodium (and chloride), which not only keeps sodium in the body, but also water. This is to maintain electrolyte and water balance in the body. Stressed out adrenal glands, especially in the later stages of chronic stress, tend to produce less aldosterone and therefore more sodium is lost so your body craves it, (or salted pretzels!). This may cause your running shorts or cycling helmet chinstrap to become white-coated with salt after a workout. It may also cause your dog to uncontrollably lick your leg after a long summer workout! Since the body will lose more water with a lowered sodium level from the lowered aldosterone, you will become dehydrated more easily. Even though the body loses more fluid with the lowered adrenal gland function, edema, or swelling, (especially around the ankles), is a common occurrence as the body tries to regulate the electrolyte imbalance. This is very common, and very fixable. However, the problem arises when a physician thinks that the patient is holding onto too much water, and prescribes a diuretic to help get the fluid out. That can only make things worse.

Getting the body systems in order is a challenge, but the staff at Chiropractic Nutrition Clinic are equipped to help you deal with any nutritional abnormalities you may experience.

copyright © 2000-2008 by Dr. Stephen Gangemi